As a new year looms on the horizon so too do flashes of what this year has given me, lessons and growth, of learning to listen to my own inner narrative, instead of the storyline of others.
The past year has seen the world reach a level of turmoil not seen in my lifetime, a time of chaos and distress.
A war of consciousness.
Of fear versus Love.
Standing in my own truth and refusing to get caught up in the mega doom and gloom narrative was easier for me than I thought it was going to be, although a few times it was a challenge to stay in my truth.
It has been a time of seeing who aligns with me and of who does not. It has become apparent that the world's people have become divided.
There are those who follow and those that do not.
Tuning into my wisdom of what to do began in earnest in February when I retreated to the comfort and seclusion of my cottage and kept myself to myself. I began to tire as the year unfolded of conversations being dominated with covid and retreated from even having much contact on the phone, the obsession of one view against the other childish as well as destructive.
I am grateful for a year of grief and of loss as much as one of happiness and love.
I am grateful for having this beautiful planet to enjoy.
A garden to nurture.
My humble and very simply life.
My health and vitality.
My precious cats and chickens
Of the very few souls who make it to my inner circle.
As the year progressed it became apparent that I began choosing subconsciously during interactions who brought me joy and love. It became time to let go once again of those whose paths in life didn't really line up with mine own.
For once again I felt myself growing and shifting, and not all of us shift and change together.
It was a time of deep forgiveness for myself, for others, the whole world.
It was a time of seeing the beauty around me and of knowing that I must be true to myself first and foremost.
And most importantly embracing the deep sonorous love that surrounds me always, the booming love of my beloved Earth Mother.
For she is ever radiant.
As days moved into weeks and weeks melded into months I shifted and changed as the flow of life carried me along.
As it is always with the wisdom of the Universe, one must stop the fight and simply let things be.
As this always leads you gracefully where it is you are destined to go........
Very well said.
You are a very wise woman. I too am so tired of all the COVID news that is constantly in my ear. It is so exhausting.
Thank you William.
Thank you Sharon. There is more to life than covid!
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