Sunday, January 14, 2024

As Evening Drew Closer....

As evening drew closer so did the rain. Although the downpour barely quenched the parched earth, it was better than no rain at all. The sky was a delight as the stormy weather inched ever closer. The hues of the clouds as the sun retreated for the day were spectacular. 
The girls enjoyed a cooling snack of an icy cold watermelon, it was devoured in less than half an hour, the wild birds enjoying what was left. 
My fig tree is absolutely ladened with fruit, and the macadamia nuts are getting closer to being harvested. Many of the grevilleas are in bloom, feeding the many nectar eating birds and insects. 
One of the bottlebrushes has decided to flower, unfortunately the heat shrivels the blooms before they get a chance to fully blossom out. Not sure why it is decided to flower, perhaps the extra nutrients from fertiliser which I have been giving the garden to assist it against the persistent heat...



Sharon said...

Beautiful clouds. I don't think I've ever seen a macadamia nut tree before. It must be a challenge to harvest the nuts.

Gemel said...

The clouds were amazing. These are quite low; with a ladder I can reach them.