Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Garden...

The garden has been somewhat neglected for the past six to eight weeks with weather, visitors', outings and illness getting in the way of keeping up with things. 
I still do my daily meanders around my wild little forest though and nothings is missed, except for where the girls are laying their eggs that is! 
The girls like to make little nests around the garden for egg laying and believe me finding their nests can be a real challenge. 
The ravens seem to know where the secret egg laying place is though, having dropped one that had been scooped up in mid-flight.
 Today I hope to discover where it is they are laying. 
Lots of little fungi colonies are seen around the garden. 
And also, one of my hakea plants is in full bloom and looks positively magnificent!
Plus, the weather turning has seen the ducks coming back to the garden, this pair of pacific black ducks have been coming to the garden for years, it is always lovely to see their return each year....



William Kendall said...

Terrific shots!

Gemel said...

Thank you.