Wednesday, June 21, 2023

A Visit To...

A visit to Whiteman Park last week and taking off in a new direction was a delightful walk.  The park has sandy soil, so the plants found here are those that thrive in such soil. I followed the mini trainline that takes tourists on a sedate ride through the bushlands, arriving at one of the small stations along the way. 
Seeing three groups of kangaroos was the highlight of the day. The first group of two allowed me to pass quite close to them, the following group of three were a little more aware of my presence and kept me in view while munching at the fresh grass. The last group I saw driving out of the park and they were also on alert. Being closer to the boundary of the park their encounters with humans would keep them very distrustful of people approaching. I adore kangaroos and am always super excited when I see any out on my adventures. 
The other thing I came across was the burning of a grass tree by park staff. 
These balga trees or Xanthorrhoea benefit from the trunks being burnt, however this one seemed to enduring a bit too much burning. 
 Fire is used to stimulate flowering, and I do hope that there is enough of this one left to flower in the spring...



William Kendall said...

Roos get a smile out of me.

Sharon said...

How fun to see those kangaroos. Something we northerners never see. I never heard of burning the base of those trees. That seems a bit dangerous. I love all the unusual blooms.

Gemel said...

I always smile seeing them as well William.

I love seeing kangaroos Sharon, the way this was being burnt seemed a bit extreme.