Sunday, June 18, 2023

Spending The Day...

Spending the day at the enchanting Roley Pool, a place of unique natural beauty. It is here that the native otters maybe seen, however yesterday I wasn't blessed with sightings of them. 
Along the banks of the stream many wonders can be seen, watched over by the magnificent granite outcrops that enhance the atmosphere. As always, I tend to be led to the tiny realm of fungi as I meandered along, discovering many colonies of delicate wonder, fascinated by their colours and their presence, knowing that beneath the earth they continue unseen, yet supporting the plants and trees. 

Being so present whilst out exploring leads me into another state of being, my personal realm of wonder.
 Touching the trees.
Hearing the water.
Smelling flowers passed, each sense was stimulated. 
It is here at Roley Pool that one can see the biodiversity of the Western Australian bush, and how swiftly the plants shift and change. 
Climbing higher up away from the pools the terrain took on and whole different vibe, with more sun reaching here the plants were not as lush. Yet even so, the untamed beauty of the bushland still entrances me, each scene opening my heart more... 



William Kendall said...

Quite a landscape to be in.

Gemel said...

It really is a special place.