Saturday, September 07, 2024

Spoonbill Lake...

Spoonbill Lake is a place I only recently heard about, near the town of Chittering around a 100 km drive from my place so last week I decided to take a look. 
I had heard that there was a clear walkway around the lake, however on arrival this was not the case. With the recent heavy rains one side of the lake was extremely muddy and I nearly lost my boots to the gooey mess several times, so I headed back to where I started. Sadly, though the lake is mainly hidden from view.
 Also, the lack of birdlife was somewhat of a surprise, I did expect it to be teeming with life. 
I did enjoy the visit but can't see me returning here anytime soon. 
I have heard about another place in Chittering which is not far from here Djidi-Djidi Ridge. Apparently, this is a rather spectacular place so I will head out there while the wildflowers are blooming... 


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