Thursday, September 05, 2024

Some Peaceful Views...

Some peaceful views around the lake taken towards the end of August.
My walks tend to take longer now, I spend more time watching various things, slowing down, attuning myself to the rhythm of the land. A lone bird enjoying the ambiance of a calm day, like me taking things slowly as it glided silently across the water. 
I also stop to observe water, there is something deeply nourishing about the sound and sight of moving water. Definitely food for the soul. 
 Flowers are beginning to brighten the landscape here and there. Perhaps soon it will become a vibrant canvas of loveliness in the coming weeks. Many species of fungi continue to call me in to view them, I always tend to find something new that awakens my curiosity. Watching the tiny silvereyes as they darted in amongst the tall water rushes was also very therapeutic, such fragile little beings, very busy hunting for insects... 


1 comment:

Sharon said...

Nature provides a lot to see if you just take the time to look! Great observations.