Thursday, September 12, 2024

Saying Goodbye...

Saying goodbye and moving on from a job I have been in for nearly ten years has created a rollercoaster of emotions. I became disillusioned with the company I worked for a few years ago, I stuck it out for the people who I supported as I worried about what sort of care they would receive after I left.  As it turned out, when I decided to move so did they. So, we are all staying together. 
Looking for another agency in the disability care industry proved harder than I thought. It has taken perhaps three years of procrastinating to make the final step. I was of the mindset of better the devil you know!
Many of the companies I approached were far to corporate. I had watched what happened to the company I was working for go from a small family run company to a larger more corporate based one. This does not work well in the care industry and over the years the lack of connection with the clients and support staff became blatantly apparent. 
This year though things came to head in many ways which has affected my health, so I began the search in earnest to find another company. 
The first couple that were suggested to me I decided against after doing in-depth research. 
Out of the blue a new agency was suggested, and I had that inner ping that told me to make a phone call and check it out. After getting feedback from a meeting that the company attended, I decided this one was for me. 
Yesterday was my last day with my former agency, and after nearly a decade of working with the company I never had one phone call to wish me well or ask why it was I was leaving. Unfortunately, my clients also received no phone calls to ask why they were moving. Both of these instances proved to me that I had made the right choice here. 
There needs to be care in the care industry, after all it is people who bring all the companies work. Without the clients there would be no business. 
I felt somewhat disposable yesterday as I finished my last shift. 
Yet that was short lived as after a week off I will start my new job with an unexpected pay rise and a promotion which I was not expecting... 


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