Sunday, September 22, 2024

I Found...

I found an absolutely amazing bargain last week at a charity shop. While passing the shop window I noticed a striking pair of boots. I went in to see what size they were. The shop assistant had to go and ask the store manager, as normally, anything in the window displays were not on sale until taken out of the display. 
Well, it was my lucky day. 
Although a little too big for me, but nothing thick socks won't fix. I was permitted to purchase the lovely brand-new flower-patterned boots.

When I got home, I decided to see if I could find out how much they would be in a normal retail outlet. 
I paid a mere twenty-five dollars. 
I discovered that they are a designer boot and currently retail at two hundred and eighteen dollars. Needless to say, I am rather pleased with my purchase, and Charles seemed to like them too... 


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