Monday, September 30, 2024

Protest Underway...

Protest underway. 
Where's our dinner...


Sunday, September 29, 2024

I Had...

I had one of those rare and wonderful close encounters with a beautiful butterfly the other day. 
Moments like these really put life into perspective...


A Blissful Day...

A blissful day spent weeding and planting in the flower meadow. I have moved things around a little bit. Also added another bird/bee bath.
There are loads of buds waiting to open. Having planted a selection of salvias and a foxglove today there is going to be colour galore soon.
Everything feels so vibrant and alive, I can almost feel all the plants quivering with joy...

Friday, September 27, 2024

Bristly Cottontops...

Bristly Cottontops one of the rarest wildflowers in Australia, mainly because they are only found in a very small area in south western Australia.
 I was privileged enough to discover a little colony of these beautiful and precious blooms...


Thursday, September 26, 2024

A Rather...

A Rather striking installation at PICA Gallery in Northbridge..


Wednesday, September 25, 2024

There Is ..


Tuesday, September 24, 2024

A Family Of...

A family of corellas made a very noisy appearance as dawn was giving way to another day. 
The light dim as the sun was still rising, this didn't stop their screeching banter from disturbing the serene morning serenades from the smaller birds who dwell in my garden.
 Corellas are not frequent year-round visitors to my garden. They are very mischievous birds and can be quite destructive in the garden with their playful antics. A couple of them looked somewhat bedraggled as if they had been rolling around in mud, mostly they were a pristine white. 
When the large flocks of corellas and galahs are around I have to get inventive with feeding my chickens as they can become intimidating for my girls. 
Plus, I like the wild birds to fly in for a snack now and then, and not to become reliant on my garden as a regular place to feed... 


Monday, September 23, 2024


Spring seems to be waking things up, or as the traditional people would say we are we are nearing the end of Djilba, the season of conception. 

Seeing my wisteria in full bloom is something that I thoroughly enjoy each year, it is such a stunning vine with a seductive perfume that draws in the bees and honeyeaters. These large blooms really are magnificent, and I make sure that I appreciate them each day. Also, the native blue banded bees love flowers of a blue hue, and they enjoy all the purple flowers I have purpose planted in the garden. 

Elsewhere in the garden colour is beginning to brighten up the view. One of the jasmines is in full bloom and the heady scent fills the house on the warm days. The three other varieties of jasmine are yet to flower. 

In my small flower meadow, the calendulas and Californian poppies are the first to open. I also have artichoke and fennel thriving in there, as well as an orange tree which the possums are trimming with their playful antics. Hopefully this year I may get an orange or two off the tree. 

Little holes all across the garden show how busy my quenda is during the night, I am wondering if there is more than one as there are a lot of little burrowing holes. Quendas normally live a solitary life, maybe this one has a baby, like kangaroos quendas have a pouch. Although the quendas pouch faces backwards so it doesn't fill up with dirt while the mother is digging. They can also have up to four babies at one time. I am hoping to get more than a fleeting sight of my resident quenda. At the moment all I get is a flash as it zooms around the garden. 

I also found a stunning mound of mushrooms; these perhaps came up after I gave the garden a dose of seasol a fabulous seaweed-based fertiliser. The one I use also has a wetting agent in it as the plants really need help as we head towards the scorching summer days. I think all the plants enjoyed the nourishing watering which will keep feeding them for a few months yet. 

Blueberries, mulberries and figs are also growing in abundance, lots of wonderful fruit to look forward to. No flowers on the macadamia tree thus far, hopefully soon though...