Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Waking To Rain...

Waking to rain and a beautiful grey sky I was elated. 
Finally overnight we had a right proper drenching. Thunderclaps boomed during the night as the rain thrashed down. Checking my rain gauge this morning I was delighted to see we had 50mm
 of rain over night. 
With another unplanned day off I set off with my camera to Noble Falls. 
I had not been here for perhaps a year. Arriving in the still drenching rain I decided I was still going to get some photos. Shivering and trying to keep my camera dry I set off on what turned out to be a very short and extremely wet walk. I was smiling ear to ear the whole time. 
Despite being cold and wet, I felt such a joy. No birds were seen, nor heard. The rain too heavy for them to even bathe in the glorious shower. Still, they along with the animals that dwell here will finally have some fresh water to quench their thirst. 
In all the years I have lived up here I have never seen the brook and falls as empty as this. Even in the summer there is usually a trickle dribbling over the edge of the small waterfall. I am glad I had not come here prior to the rains, otherwise I would have been distraught. At least seeing the rain slowly filling the brook was a sign of positivity that the drought has broken. 
Walking along the bed of the falls was a really strange experience. Also seeing the number of rocks that are normally well hidden beneath the water was quite interesting. As was, how undulating the earth is along the stream was in some parts. Hopefully these drenching rains will continue, and the rivers will all begin to flow once again...


1 comment:

Sharon said...

It's so good to hear that you had a good, solid rain. It sounded like you really needed it. Hopefully, there will be more to come so those streams can fill up once again.