Sunday, May 26, 2024

During My Hiatus...

During my hiatus from keeping up with my blog many changes have taken place in my humble little cottage. Somehow it felt with each roll of paint as it glided onto the walls that I was returning to myself. So much has happened since I moved from my coastal home to this haven of nature in the hills.
 The cottages interior has been several colours, depending on my state of mind at the time. Grey, yellow, pink and then lastly a green that was turning my stomach as I returned home each day. 
On a whim one day I decided to stop at Bunnings, (Australia's best handyman shop) and out I came with a can of paint, in a hue more calming. More me. Earthy and warm. 
Things seemed to flow, because the next day I expectantly found I had a day off. 
The universe was on my side! 
So, without further preamble I collected my painting supplies and set to the task. 
Unlike the other times when I have repainted the cottage I did not rush. Instead, I decided to do the painting over two days. And given that I can be a tad impatient, I even surprised myself.
 In two days, it was done. And I must say that I felt as if I had somehow returned although I am not certain where I had been, but I definitely felt very grounded. 
The soothing feel the paint brought was such a soothing change, really it has been the greatest interior transformation yet. Not only have I brightened up with a new lick of paint, but I also moved artwork around, threw out all of my bedding and brought new sheets and duvet sets. And. I created a cosy nook in the front room to sit and play my singing bowl or write in my journal or read. It seems that I have brought in some much-needed luxury. 
Getting my new chest of drawers and bed was the beginning, from there it seemed to prompt an overall upgrade. And strangely enough, I have been going through a personal upgrade too. I see life differently to many, so for me to do such a massive transformation of my home meant that I was transitioning also. 
Since then, I have found myself getting back to the me I used to be before a lot of traumatic events found me, and before I began my deep inward reflections of my life lessons and challenges...


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