Friday, May 24, 2024

It Feels Like A...

It feels like a long time since I've connected with my garden, watering became a chore, and I found it depressing watching everything struggling day after day. The water having little benefit quenching the thirst of the plants, the land so parched that it was soaked up within seconds. After such a long period without rain, there never seemed to be enough water to satisfy. Plus, tap water isn't as nourishing or refreshing as rain. 
Drooping flowers struggling to hold their delicate petals upright. Buds frizzling before they had a chance to unfold. It really has been depressing watching everything wither.
Today I decided to linger longer in my little leafy sanctuary, reconnecting. 
Like the garden the chickens are quite mixed up with this weather, they begin moulting, then abruptly stop. They haven't laid eggs in months. My fig and mulberry trees are both as confused. Both are attempting to fruit as they also shed their leaves. Plants normally adorned with blossoms are looking forlorn, although, there are those that are beginning to add their delicate perfumes and joyous splashes of colour throughout the garden. 
The grass has long since dried up. Keeping that alive over the summer was too difficult. In the last couple of days however, tiny shoots of green have begun to poke through the dust, sadly they are either nibbled up by the ducks and chickens or dried out by the heat.
Yet, despite all this, today I found that there was a lot more movement in the plants, they obviously sense a change coming, as many are beginning to awaken from the dormancy of a very long summer... 



Sharon said...

There is still a lot of beauty out there in spite of the heat. Hopefully the seasonal change will bring some rain your way.

Gemel said...

Hopefully so, I've woken to rain this morning.