Monday, May 27, 2024

The Dazzling Dance...

The dazzling dance of water erupting from a fountain had me mesmerised. I was fascinated by each capture my camera made. I stood in the sunshine completely lost in the moment. Focused on water, and how we take it for granted. How precious it is. How it can hypnotise me. Whether an ocean or river or in this case a fountain, water has an energy that draws me in. 
I know for me the sounds of water dancing on the roof can lull me to sleep. The soft trickling of a gentle river soothes. Watching wild rapids can invigorate as water oozes over rocks in a flurry of fury as it dashes downstream. Dipping my feet into cool water on a hot day I find calming. Even being caught in the rain, or dancing in it after a long dry summer, brings a joyfulness with it.
Water is sacred, and I constantly give gratitude for it. Especially after the long drought we've been in here. Where each drop brings much needed relief across the scorched parched land...


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