Friday, May 17, 2019

Little Nala.....

Little Nala is an absolute delightful tiny furry ball of playfulness and happiness.
Waking up each morning I have her tiny wet nose nudging my face which is rather a lovely way to greet the morning.
She has settled in so well playing constantly with Chunky Charlie Cricket and finally Miss Bear has begun to warm to her giving her the occasional bath and snuggle, letting her know that she is accepted as part of the family.
The continual patter of paws on floorboards gives the house a joyful feel as kittens chase each other and romp around the house.
She has enjoyed her first fire and took the cosiest place by the fireplace stretching out as the warmth subdued her and she settled down for a nap. She loves to sit with Charlie at the back door in the mornings and watch the chickens and birds in the garden and she always collapses on the pillow next to me each night after her days of fun......  


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