Sunday, January 19, 2025


Koalas are not native to Western Australia, yet they are kept in a couple of wildlife parks here. 
They are not terribly active during the day, but they still are wonderful to see, there is something very relaxing about them. Perhaps it's because they are always sleeping when I see them.
I loved the sleepy looks some of these beauties gave me. Can't say I'd be too impressed with strangers staring at me while I slept either.
They always look so cuddly despite their long claws. I always get an urge to grab one and cuddle it, but they are kept out of the adorning humans way.
Although they are often referred to as a koala bear, they are not bears but in fact a tree dwelling marsupial.
Sadly, they are listed as a vulnerable species. I can't quite imagine a world without koalas in it...


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

They know how to take it easy.