Sunday, January 12, 2025

Changing Your...

Changing your perspective when taking a photograph can capture subtle changes, giving you a view of your subject you didn't expect. You don't even have to shift your position drastically to capture a different image.

Equally shifting your perspective on how you view your life can manifest wonderful changes.
Letting go of anything outdated be it friends, relationships, even beliefs is extremely therapeutic as I discovered last year.
Life has cycles, and staying in a cycle that had ended is detrimental to one's life. 
Although sometimes we cling on to the familiar because it's better than being alone. Sometimes we know we have to move on and let go, yet there's something so comforting in dysfunction. 
Oftentimes something will happen to initiate an ending. And even then we can be slow on reading the messages presented. 
We can't have a begining without and ending, and as difficult as it can be to make that decision, it's absolutely always for the best...



Anonymous said...

You write so eloquently and with such feeling!

William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots.