Friday, January 17, 2025

High Visibility...

High Visibility an exhibition currently running at FORM Art Gallery in Claremont highlighting how art has a transformative effect for young people with disabilities.
Many of the pieces on display are a collaboration of Mandy White's and students she worked with in a series of workshops. There are also a few pieces of Mandy's own work on show.

 I've been supporting Mandy for 10 years now and really love when we have days like this.
This exhibition is showing works from workshops done last year at the Sir David Brand School. 
During the exhibition, Mandy will be creating a mural with the assistance of other artists with disabilities, each week we will add another layer.
I really enjoy watching a canvas come alive as well as assisting when needed. 
Looking forward to seeing the end result, over the coming weeks I will document the progress of the mural...


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Dynamic work.