After months of being hidden in a drawer my camera made a very brief appearance this evening.
After clearing over 600 photos that have sat forgotten from the memory card I went out into the garden in search of quendas and bunnies.
Of course I didn't see either, I did however get a couple of photos of the artichoke flowers.
It did feel strange having my camera in my hand after relying on my phone for so long.
I still have a huge task ahead of me going through all the photos that I had forgotten about.
All I need now is inspiration and a few hours to do so, there's so many though, it feels somewhat daunting...
I can totally relate to this. I've been doing some sorting an organizing of my photos, literally thousands of them. I've been doing it in little chunks when I fee the urge. I did quite a lot last week when we had that cold spell. It kept me busy when I didn't want to venture out with coats and scarves.
Terrific shots.
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