Thursday, July 04, 2024

My Garden...

My garden is still not flourishing as it should this time of the year. Flowers are still few, and the mulberry tree really does appear confused. With the warm days it is beginning to bear fruit. Bees are still not as active as they should be, the garden is normally abuzz with them. The noticeable decline in insects in the garden is a worry. 
During the prolonged summer I did apply fertiliser at regular intervals to assist with the stress the heat placed them under, thankfully that has helped most plants survive. The nutrients still feeding them will be nourishing as they begin to grow and flower once again. My artichoke and fennel are doing well, and the orange tree has plenty of blossoms budding for the first time. A sign the extra nutrients over the summer have assisted. The pincushion hakeas are still flowering, which is wonderful. The one in the back has many blooms high up overhead. Lavender and the native wisteria and coleus plants throughout the garden are adding many splashes of purple and mauve.
Slowly the stress of summer is showing signs of ending, although if we don't get consistent rain I dare not think of the consequences. 
I pray constantly for heavy rains to find us to replenish the land and fill up the lakes and rivers once again.... 


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