Sunday, July 07, 2024

It Was...

It was off to the vets with Charles a few days ago, his allergy had flared up again. This time was different though. He only had the rash on one part of his body, this was new, plus it was really inflamed. 
Seeing a different vet to the last time of course meant I received yet another opinion. 
This vet suggested it might be due to separation anxiety from when I am out. I am not so sure. 
We know it is not from food as I did the plain protein diet and that made no difference. I am very careful of what I use in the house for cleaning, and none of that has changed. So, it is a complete mystery. 
This time though I was given an allergy medication for the first time. Halleluiah!
Previously I had been told there was no such medication for cats. 
Hopefully this will work, and little Charlie will begin to enjoy life itch free.
Charlie doesn't mind the outing to the vets, he is always very calm during the drive. plus, he makes sure everyone he sees gets a cuddle with lots of tail wagging and purring. 
Although I have to admit, he is super snuggly when he gets home... 


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