Friday, May 31, 2024

Success Is...


I Always...

I always stop to smell roses. Their fragrance is by far one of my favourites. These beauties had the extra bonus of bee buzzing contently as it went from bloom to bloom... 


During The Sweltering Heat...

During the sweltering heat of our seven-month long summer the gardens sprinkler gave constant relief to the birds of all sizes. Especially these tiny birds who almost disappear in a flurry of feathers as they joyously preened themselves in the delicate water spray. They like to keep in the foliage of the trees during bath time to keep them safe from predators. 
When I was hand watering I was followed around by many tiny birds.  Pardalotes and yellow rumped thornbills in particular would circle me giving me the hint they wanted a shower. Magical is the only to explain this experience... 


Thursday, May 30, 2024


 Someone certainly is very fond of the warmth of a crackling fire...

A Bedraggled...

A bedraggled kookaburra was the perfect reflection of me. Even though I had my rain jacket on, the showers were delightfully heavy, drenching me in minutes. I did manage a few photos of how refreshed everything is looking since the rains began. Already there are small plants decorating the ground, and the hues of green are far livelier than a week ago.
So grateful for the break in the weather and to see the gift of water gracing the land...


A Cold And Misty...

A cold and misty morning greeted me when opened the curtains. To think, at the beginning of the week I was in shorts and a t-shirt. Now it is jumpers and rain jackets. Such a revitalising change, and one I hope lasts for many months....