Saturday, January 30, 2021

While I Enjoyed....

While I enjoyed swinging lazily in the hammock watching the evening slowly creeping in, the kitties also enjoyed their afternoon outside time. 
The sun sinking slowly, birds singing, soft breeze blowing and the kitties all relaxed content to watch the world passing by. 
Birds were flitting in and out of the trees and shrubs, which gave them plenty to watch. Charlie and Bear enjoyed a quiet moment together. Even Nala lasted more than her regular five minutes out in the fresh air.  
What I love seeing the most when the cats are outside is how the chickens always come over to spend time with them too. They all seem to be equally intrigued with each other, I do wonder what is going through their minds as they all check each other out. But that is one question I will never get an answer to, instead I love watching them watching each other.
The hammock certainly was a great addition to my little patio area, it's been less than a week since I have had it and since then each afternoon it's here I head after my working day to relax and enjoy my little private sanctuary......


1 comment:

William Kendall said...

Cat eyes are irresistible.