Friday, January 01, 2021

Happy Merry New Year......

Happy merry new year from my little cottage here in sleepy Chidlow to all who read my blog across the globe. 
Welcoming 2021 in by acknowledging the abundance of life that surrounds my tiny cottage and seeing how truly blessed I am. 2020 was certainly a year that brought humanity a depth of despair and darkness globally and although I was lucky enough to not have any changes in my life, billions of others had it so much worse. Depending on what country we found ourselves living in gave us all completely different scenarios to work with as the planet went into a state of madness and fear and people across the planet lost jobs and were locked up not able to connect with others and not able to live normal lives, their basic human rights taken away. Here in Perth we did have it easy compared to most of the planet, and we are very lucky to be living lives as we should. I truly hope that those still being governed with control and fear do find their way back to normality as 2021 progresses.

Not one to ever make new year resolutions, instead I always strive to make a new year more nurturing than the one before and to appreciate all I have, not in a materialistic sense but more in a humble way.
To be grateful of the little things, good health, a loving family, friendships and the gifts of nature. I always hope that more people begin to reconnect with the natural world around them, that they remember that without nature we have nothing. That getting out in your own garden and seeing how magical gardens are is to see the wonder in all things, like butterflies and caterpillars, of leaves blowing in the wind, of waves crashing on the shore, of stars illuminating a night sky. 
We are all blessed, we just have to remember where to look.
Living life as I do I understand on a deep soul level how important the natural world is, how without all the plants and lifeforms that share this world we would not be here. My wish is always the same as each new year comes, that more people begin to care for our planet and her creatures. To be aware that all lifeforms have a role to perform and that Gaia needs to be kept in balance, she needs our help to keep her strong and healthy. Forests, bushlands and jungles need to be nurtured and preserved, not cut down and bulldozed for the greed of the humans. We need to look after all species of life, especially those that are endangered by mans continued raping and pollution of the planet. 
So as I sit watching my garden and all the plants I have in my care I feel a richness in my soul that could never be achieved from any amount of money. By nurturing life I have a fuller more harmonious life myself, a simple life filled with abundance straight from the heart of my mother Gaia. 
With new hanging baskets bringing some colour and life closer to the cottage, of hanging my memorial windchimes in a different position so that I hear the song they play in memory of my beloved cats now passed more often than where they were hung before fills me with such love. Sitting under the patio enjoying my coffee, watching the birds flitting in and out of the trees and bushes enjoying the bounty of food grown for them is such a fabulous way to begin this new year.........



William Kendall said...

Happy new year to you.

Gemel said...

And to you William.

luksky said...

I love your little corner of the world. Happy New Year!

Gemel said...

Thank you Laura, I too loved seeing your beautiful part of the world also. Happy New Year.