Thursday, January 14, 2021

Spent Time.....

Spent time yesterday lazing under the canopy of eucalyptus trees, the breeze cooling in the shade of a stunning group trees.
There was one pink flowering eucalyptus amongst many creamy white ones. Trees are miracles to me, each and every one beginning from one tiny seed, some grow to tower hundreds of feet above the ground, others bearing fruits, and some simply grace us with gifts of flowers.
The hum of bees could be heard as they buzzed from flower to flower. The eucalyptus flowers are so delicate, to my limited human nose there is but a faint perfume, to the insects and birds though the scent really draws them in, in the higher parts of the trees there was such a lot of activity as many feasted on the nectar and pollen. As the wind teased the leaves time stopped and I simply sat and watched life unfolding around me.....

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