Our Path In Life.......
Our path in life can take us on an inspiring journey of personal awakening, or it can leave us slumbering in the world of drama, dysfunction, anger and manipulation.
Life will reflect to you outwardly what is resonating within you internally.
Not all of us are willing to look at what we are, or how we are, it is difficult to look at yourself to know that it is only you who is creating the hassles within your life.
I know this from my own experience to walk away from people and situations that reflected parts of myself that I wished to transcend, seeing the lesson was the beginning of true healing to take place.
Others will often resent you for standing in your own power, as to walk a life in dedication to your personal happiness is confronting to those who wish to manipulate and control you.
Relationships can be based on so many artificial conditions that it can take you awhile to see past the subtleties and into the lesson that lies lurking behind the dramas that surround you, once you do though, life becomes amazing.
Going it alone has been the most freeing and liberating time of my life, I now know that I owe no one a thing, I do not have endure intimidation, guilt, anger, blame or any other negative energy from anyone.
I also know that if someone no longer benefits my personal story, then it is my prerogative to walk away.
I have in the past kept in contact with people who I felt sorry for and therefore felt that I should see them as they had no one else, trouble was that these people had lessons of their own to learn and they were not willing to open up to themselves and do the hard inner work.
I remember feeling drained and depleted while in their company, becoming aware of this made me realise that it was time to walk away.
I now understand that the torment that I put my self through in regards to others was a lesson I needed to overcome, if friendships inspire guilt, need or any other obligations then a friendship is not what you have.
Any relationship that has rules and regulations attached to it is one based on negativity, and that is a place which no longer feel comfortable for me.
My closest friends and I can go months without contact with no animosity held towards each other, this I believe is how healthy relationships should be.
As I forge along on my road to inner freedom I realise that I owe no one anything, each of us are in control of our own destiny and personal growth.
Life always reflects back to us where we are on our own journey.
In the last 48 hours or so I have had confirmation of choosing the right road. Two encounters from people from the past that I had chosen to break free from have highlighted my choice for only harmonious and enlighten people to be apart of my world, validating for me that I made the right choice...........
Beautiful, peaceful photos and a wonderful post!
AH! That is good. We can never go back,only forwards. :)
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