And come it did with such ferocity that the city was in chaos.The stillness of the morning foretold of the turbulence to come.
The clouds this morning hold too a hint of menace as they shimmer with the twinkling sparkle of the suns early rays.
Evidence of the deluge is everywhere, ravines etched into the sand, dents on my car where large hail stones bombarded the earth as I headed towards work, trees felled in the height of her wrath.
As I drove I felt the power of Mother Natures sting, the full force of her relentless onslaught bearing down on us, cleansing another part of her tarnished face, preparing for the coming new world age.
A re balancing of all before we can embrace the aquarian age.
Feelings overwhelm me this morning as I walk, sensing how I, a mere speck on the face of my mother,
aware of her energy
it surrounds me
Again the ocean is calm, the ominous silence signals that all is not well, brewing on the horizon is yet another installment of yesterdays brutal lashing.
The sand blasting my naked legs as I walk reminding me of the power of the Universe, of how minute I am,
we are.
Those here in this little isolated city feel they are immune to the antics of our supreme mother, as natural disasters are not known to have taken place here before. Perhaps she has other ideas, as the world climate changes constantly leaving the human inhabitants left bewildered and battered by her intense efforts to cleanse..............
1 comment:
Beautiful photos that show the power and energy of the Mother so well. But, hey, you got your much needed rain. By the glory...
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