I feel that a high percentage of the human race is, they are too caught up in materialism, thinking that ownership and accumulation of money is all life is about. An expensive watch, designer shoes, plastic surgery, a mansion and a sports car really do make your journey here on earth worthwhile. Those who are addicted to greed, power, money and never ending youth have missed out on true growth and harmony within their lives. So caught up in being better or greater than their neighbours and colleagues are they that they fail to see the interconnectedness that entwines us all.
They slaughter anything that gets in their way, failing to see that all beings, plants, trees, insects, reptiles, animals and other races of humanity are sacred, and all have the right to live life as they were intended, in peace.
No race is the chosen one, none is superior to another, we are each of us equal, we are each of us ONE.
Loosing the inner connection has seen the downward spiral ending this current world age produce a succession of disasters descend on our world, many of us have never learnt of the mysteries that we harbour within, too busy are they looking on the outside for the latest thrill or purchase to enhance their life. But still they feel empty, still they search for that which is lacking, not knowing that by reclaiming the stillness within they will find answers to all that evades them.
The wisdom of the ages resides in the trees, it floats on the quiet waters of the lake whispering to our slumbering souls. The animal folk who suffer tortuous lives at the hands of mans hunger know these secrets, they speak the language of love, however very few can hear their call.
Yet, on and on they go, still they continue to destroy all forms of life, never for a moment considering the beauty that they take, all they see is food on their table or a new condominium that sparkles with the falseness of glass providing another example of false status and a life lived in darkness.................

love. prayers. care.
And so we keep trying to bring in the Light to balance those who can not see in the Darkness.
I am hoping and praying to keep the inner connection and peace my children have with nature. They love everything they see and are in tune to the beauty of nature and mother earth.
I am blessed to see the world again through their eyes.
Thank you again for your beautiful words and wisdom.
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