Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Tamal Is..........

Tamal is a bundle of fun, plus this little feline is too cute for words, both in personality and looks.
Spirit and Pixie don't agree with me mind.
No, they are none to pleased with their mother presently.
Tamal is not bothered in the slightest, he has far more important things to do.
Like playing. With everything and anything, there are no exceptions as he zooms around the house in gay abandon. I do not mind though as he is such a gentle wee soul that the love within his tiny body radiates like a beacon, he glows with such innocent purity I feel sure he is an angel..........


Nancy said...

He certainly looks like one.

Ronda Laveen said...

He is stunning!

PepeB said...

He is one of the most beautiful cats I've ever seen!