Sunday, November 12, 2023

Finding Myself...

Finding myself on the outskirts of the city in the grounds of the Optus Stadium is not a normal occurrence, I wasn't that interested in the stadium itself, although a very creative children's playground captured my attention as did a few other sculptures along the way. I did like the way that ivy is being trained up the artistic metal pergolas, I will have to remember to come back in a year or so to see how these will look when covered in a vibrant green canopy. 
Of course, many natural delights spoke to my heart as I ambled along on a quite hot day, at points I was dashing to the shady spots along the path for a bit of respite...



Sharon said...

You found a lot of natural beauty as well as some man-made beauty at this spot.

Gemel said...

I certainly did, it is quite an interesting place for a walk.