Monday, August 19, 2019

From The First Moment....

 From the first moment I saw this little cottage I envisaged it painted a soft lilac with a white trim and veranda posts.
Even in the dreadful state it was in when I first viewed the property I knew that eventually I would make her shine and radiate an inviting peaceful presence.

Finally after years of dreaming I came home with a test pot of paint and went to work yesterday to begin the transformation of the outside of the cottage.

Only having a small pot of paint I decided to paint a small section in between a window and the end of the house.
I am absolutely thrilled with how it looks so far and I even began painting the frame of the stained glass window in the spare room.

It is going to take quite a while to complete the entire house, then I will begin all the veranda posts and roof timbers so I reckon I will painting for a long while to come.
As they say, Rome wasn't built in a day.....

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