Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Thunderous Sound.......

 The thunderous sound of the rapids penetrated deep within my soul as I approached the rushing river.
A sound so intense and profound that wove itself within every cell of my body as the healing effect of being fully present and aware of each and every being around me.
Many have lost the ability to merge with nature, to actually know the intelligence and silent language of nature that humans once knew without having to be taught.
Although the language of the rocks, trees, water and animal beings is not a language many understand anymore it is there to be heard if you are willing to open up your heart.
Everywhere I look I see love, I see life.
As I look I hear with my heart.
The water with it's powerful voice beckoned for me to approach to touch the water and feel the gift of healing.
As the water danced around my hand I felt the grace of it's healing touch washing away all that was no longer required.
Sitting on the monumental boulders there was a deep urge to stroke and to touch these ancient beings.
These boulders are as old as Mother Earth herself, they are her record keepers.
Although silent to those who do not hear, if you listen with your hands these magnificent rocks will talk in a language all can understand.
The language of love.
My hands tingled as I stroked and felt as many of the rocks that I encountered on my travels.
And the message was clear, it spoke of a deep and powerful old love.
Seen but never acknowledged by the many humans who visit this area it was clear that the rocks were also acknowledging myself and my friend as we explored this amazing place.
Lost in the moment of discovery of all manner of wonders around us we came upon a family of caterpillars who had ventured down to a puddle for a drink, and as we watched we also noticed a tiny baby caterpillar with the two older ones.
Such things usually go by unseen, who would really find seeing caterpillars drinking such a blessing to witness?
But to witness such an encounter and to be so present to all that surrounded us is what life is really about.
 My friend and I missed nothing.
We saw the brilliance of life everywhere we looked.

The magic of life is irreplaceable and the disconnection of humanity is the threat our Mother Earth has to contend with every second of every day.

There are more who are lost than there are who really see the importance of this beautiful orb we have come to visit and live our human stories.

The logic of those who seek to destroy our home is pure insanity.

They are the lost ones who will never see the beauty in a raindrop or feel the love that radiates up out from the core of the Earth through the presence of a rock..........

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