Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Checking In...

Checking in on the willy wagtail family recently I was surprised to see that they have more eggs which mum is brooding. In the short time I have discovered this pair, this is the third clutch of eggs they have had. Once hatched, the chicks are ready to fledge in two weeks. 
Doing the best I can with my eyesight as it is, I struggle to see the images as I am composing the photo. I have decided to still post my captures, as it is part of my journey. In June I have one operation on one of my eyes, followed by another the following month. Until then it is going to be interesting to see how the photos that I take may vary. 

I also spotted a snake necked turtle, who also spotted me and had second thoughts about sunbathing on a log...



William Kendall said...

A good nest.

Gemel said...

It is.