Yesterday I was presented with a scenario where what I assumed was a getting to know you coffee turned into something else entirely.
It proved to be an opportunity where I was able to see how far I have come on my journey through life.
In the past I have been an easy target for the manipulators and bullies of the world.
Reading the situation within seconds I realised that things were not going to be as I thought. Not wishing to be rude I decided to sit down to have a coffee and give this person the benefit of the doubt I immediately felt.
Yet within minutes I was confident in knowing that I would not be seeing this person again.
This obsessed zealot wasted no time in becoming rude and condescending and talking at me telling me that I was albeit a lost cause. It appears according to him, that I didn't understand the meaning of life and that his way was the only way to live. At points during this tirade I did have to suppress laughter as I understood that this would have made the situation worse. I mean who behaves like this on a first time coffee date?
After a time I gathered up the disposable coffee cups stood up and stated thanks but no thanks this is not for me. Which seemed to enrage this person even more, stating that I had a closed mind and virtually was a lost cause, according to him.
In the past I attest I would allow myself to be moulded and manipulated out of sheer desperation of having a human connection.
Yesterday though I was confident in standing in my truth and as I kindly stated your way may work for you, however I have my own way of navigating the world.
So once again thank you but no thanks.
I immediately saw what a beautiful gift this encounter was, I was confident and calm seeing how completely comfortable I am within my own being, with my own way of life and my belief system.
I do not need to conform nor change to satisfy anyone else.
I am not desperate, I am secure and contented in my life.
I also saw with great clarity that I don't require anyone to share my life story unless they see me and accept for for who I am.
I saw this encounter as a blessing gifting me validation of staying true to my heart and to continue walking my life in my own unique and authentic way......
So proud. You have come a long way in your journey. Here's to what life brings you in the future xxxx
Deb xxxx
You're now in charge of your life Gem! So.etimes we take what's offered as we don't think we're worthy of something better/will anything better come along? Will I be alone forever? And we live our lives with this insignificant other, regretting...
You have taken control! ��
It must feel so empowering, knowing what you don't want, and taking that decision...bloody well done! �� xxx
Thank you both.
You are a very wise woman. I went through a period of time when I tried to bend my ways to please someone else. It ended badly and I vowed to never do it again...and I haven't.
Thank you Sharon, I doubt whether I will do it again either.
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