Tuesday, October 05, 2021

Some First Time....

Some first time bloomers bring their unique beauty to the garden.
The first is the black kangaroo paw which I have only had a few months. It is still in it's pot and will be planted after it finishes flowering. These particular kangaroo paws are apparently very hard to grow. Hopefully I will be successful in keeping this one flourishing.

The second is the pink poker grevillea. I have had this plant around a year yet it was only planted at the beginning of winter. I learnt the hard way not to plant anything here in the spring to summer months. Many plants won't survive if they have not been nourished by winter rains before a summer. 

The white native hibiscus is not a first time flowerer, yet very delicate and pretty. I also found one of the patches of periwinkle dazzling in the morning sun, as was the wisteria....


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