'Life is but a dream weaving its way through our moments, creating challenges we require to transcend the shackles that we imprison ourselves with'
Saturday, May 09, 2009
Quietly Observing
Quietly observing this Osprey as it took a few moments to relax in the first rays of this mornings sun.There use to be a large number of these Ospreys along our local beach, however much of the land is now being cleared for 'luxury' homes to be built instead. As I was happily watching this superb bird the other walkers and joggers hurried on their way oblivious to this magnificent raptor, to caught up in racing along not seeing what treasures surrounds them.My silent plea to the Universe for an appearance of one of these majestic birds this morning answered, an intimate moment to priceless to explain, yet forever merged within my heart............
They are beautiful birds, and even more beautiful to listen to. We have many where I live, and they return to their nests year after year. I can't imagine not noticing them, but many people focus only on their thoughts. It's a shame.
Where do we thing we are going?
the last picture.. he looked right at you...you can amost feel the connection in that one frame of that picture..a split second in time.. beautiful!!
They are beautiful birds, and even more beautiful to listen to. We have many where I live, and they return to their nests year after year. I can't imagine not noticing them, but many people focus only on their thoughts. It's a shame.
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