Anger Is................
Anger is such a destructive and in all reality a useless emotion, some of us allow it to fester inside us causing all end of issues that will eventuate in physical and mental mis-alignments within our body. Most people direct their anger at other people or objects, slamming doors and shouting, or even just being clever hoping to receive a response so a shouting match will begin so that the vile emotions inside can unleashed. It does not achieve anything though, having had my share of tantrums in the past I have seen it achieves nothing, it is never the others persons fault, the grief I felt inside was my own stored emotions that had not been dealt with, and no matter how much you aim it at someone else, it will continue coming back to haunt you until you deal with whatever it is you are hanging on to.
It takes far more strength to acknowledge the inner angst and face yourself, opening up the case of store personal hurts you have clung to in your inner closet, it may seem like a difficult road to take, looking at yourself openly and honestly to see past the illusions and into your own eyes and heart, seeing that what you were angry at is after all a smokescreen for the deeper issues lurking within............................
That's one I'm currently working on. Thanks.
Excellent post. You are so right. Anger comes from hurt and when we can let go of the anger, let go of the fear, and have courage to deal with our hurt, that is where healing begins.
Wonderful post!
I acknowledge this as true..yet, I continue to work on this one..being very emotional in temperment makes it a little more challenging :-)
I have had so much anger the past week, I feel at a loss sometimes. I love your words, they say so much. I always feel your posts/messages come at such an appropriate time in my life.
I do appreciate you coming by and glimpsing into my life with my children. It's crazy and meaningless most of the time, but I like to document the days events at most.
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