Each Relationship.................
Each relationship we have with is others is a lesson in disguise, sometimes people are in our life for a short period of time, others longer, some, for a lifetime. In all your relationships with others there is something for both of you to learn, unfortunately not many know this and therefore they stay stuck in festering relationships of struggles for power and self inflicted pain, enduring soul abuse as they fail to see or learn the lessons given.
Learning the lesson and moving on may sound difficult, often we surround ourselves with friends and acquaintances that bring us nothing but negativity and useless gossip, feeling safe in the dysfunction that they give us. Getting drawn into these scenarios enhances your soul growth when you see past the illusion of 'friendships' and into the energy interactions that are taking place. If you are with anyone who does not make you feel good, chances are that there is something that you have not dealt with within yourself that still requires your attention before it can be released, allowing you to transcend the old vibrations and begin to attract a new and vibrant energy into your life. Once it has been worked through you may find also that the relationship comes to an end, not always but often this will be the case. This is normal, thus paving the way for more harmonic relationships to enter your life story.
We send ourselves these challenges with the thoughts and actions that we send out to the Universe, pulsating our desire to merge out from the stagnation that we are submerged in. The majority of us do not understand or see that our life is all orchestrated to catapult us into a new way of life, a life of living from the heart........................
Great post.
wow....this applies to what I am going thru right now in my life..amazing the timeing of reading this...intellectually I understand and accept this as true..but emotionally ..difficult to pinpoint why these people ARE there....thank you for the reminder.
Good comments. Life is full of challenges and lessons.
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