The Cottage...........
The cottage even had a regular crow, which of course I fed our leftovers to, seen here stuffing as much food as possible into a hungry mouth before flying off to eat, I assume in privacy of it's own nest.
I did admire this little fellow though, he had a broken foot that was bent completely back the wrong way, it did not seem to cause any pain when he walked, bless him. Our animal companions endure so much suffering, carrying their injuries through life as best they can. The strength that they display in these situations sees me admiring their inner courage, one that we humans could learn a great deal from.
As he called out prior to his arrival each afternoon I took the time to share a few special moments watching this amazing bird, realizing just how difficult his life would have been for him as he adjusted to his injury, knowing that perhaps he was even abandoned by his family, left for dead in a harsh world where only the fittest survive...........................
Great post. I think it's awesome when we pay attention to the beautiful creatures around us.
Great post! I think its great when we notice the strength and beauty of the creatures who share this world with us .
Poor baby! While living in Alabama there used to be a laughing gull that hung out in our area that had only one leg. I always felt so sorry for him, but he always seemed to get around fine on it.
you are so right.. they are amazing..humans could learn alot from observing them..I often wonder when I see things like this if somehow this creature is bringing me a message...I like that your thoughts turned to how he survived and his strenght..I unfortunately start thinking if a human caused his situation and become sad that I can not make it right...I like your perspective more.....
I love crows - they are extremely intelligent.
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