Why Is It.......
Why is it when any other species does well the arrogant humans feel the need the cull them?
The only species that is overrunning and destroying the planet is the human, thinking that he owns the planet and every thing and one upon her.
Did we receive ownership papers at the moment of our birth?
We came here as did all other forms of life to share the joy that awaited us.
Most animals and birds that are marked for cold blooded murder have one crime and one crime only, living and doing well in their natural environment, which clearly is not permitted in the eyes of the humans.
Take the time to consider for example the impact the kangaroos have upon the destruction of the planet, there isn't any. None of the other species that are destined to be murdered by man have done anything to destroy our planet, they are simply doing well in what is left of their home, pushed out further and further as the humans take over more forests, bush lands and any other land that they wish to destroy without a second thought for all the animals, birds, reptiles, insects, trees, flowers and and and....
The humans list of death and destruction is becoming endless with the promise that all the shallow and greedy power the blood money will give them.....................................
I have not found the answer to this question yet.. why do humans do what they do...they have this erroneous sense of entilement..almost like a flaw thats inherited somehow by some...not all ..but enough I think to cause such damage..I read a book which I enjoyed..that spoke of this "Ishmael" This question makes me sad somehow...
It is so sad. Really.
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