Inside All Of Us....................
Inside all of us, if not tapped into our spiritual power sleeps.
It waits patiently for us to awaken to the power within us. We look to others for that which eludes us in our life, instead we should be looking into the mirror seeing that by embracing the strength within, we can transcend the hurdles with out. All it takes is the commitment to your Self to connect with stillness of your spiritual centre.
There are many ways to do this;
Sitting in silence
Watching nature
Keeping a journal
Tia Chi
To return to the inner realms of stillness will reward you with peace, with inner peace you will begin to see the path clearing for you, synchronicity bringing all that you require to move past the challenges that you have given your Self, remembering to walk in the knowledge that you are the creator of your life, and it is you and you alone who can change all that does not sit well with your soul any longer.....................
yes,I find this hard at times.. our first impluse is to go outside ourselves for answers.....we are bombarded with external messages, news, ..and we leave no time to listen to the messages that come from inside..I garden and spend time with my dog companions..that centers me.
I sit and watch my stream. It just sort of focuses my thoughts. I really love the picture of the cat and lion. What a beautiful illustration of what we all have inside.
I am busy discovering this and thanks for your comment on my post on Breathe! It is amazing how life unravels. And when you sit in silence and breathe, you feel like nothing is happening but now I see how it is a process to make space for the great and awesomeness to flood in. But thanks for this post. It is soooooooo reassuring!
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