Reacquainting myself with my most favourite pastime, walking has been the best thing I could have done for myself after months of dealing with several health issues, which in turn increased stress levels. And stress was something I was meant to avoid! In this day and age though, how can anyone avoid stress?
Not being able to get out and walk really did have a knock-on effect as life lost its magic which in turn saw me lose any zest for life. And that dark cloud of depression crept in and wove itself around my soul. And things became very dark.
Life goes through ebbs and flows, yet when life becomes a battle, and each day a chore, it did become difficult to see the point of going on. I have had many lessons in this time, and as I begin to reclaim some strength and balance, I realise that I have a different outlook for the future and have decided to let go of anything that does not bring joy into my realm.
Deciding I needed to change the direction my health was taking I downloaded a step counter onto my phone. I am not really into having apps on my phone, so although the thought surprised me, I had to follow my inner urge to do this. Knowing that my intuition rarely leads me astray, I followed the prompt.
What I have found is that I was suddenly inspired. I decided on a plan and then gave myself a good talking to and thus began to walk my way back to happiness and health.
It was slow going the first few days, challenging and exhausting as I pushed myself forward. Yet in a very short space of time, I have seen a spring return to my step and my energy levels increase. And I feel lighter, I even seem to be standing taller once again.
Today I drove to the lake, and shortly after beginning my walk I decided that I would do two laps of the lake. Where this inspiration came from, I am not sure, but I seemed to glide around the lake enjoying the company of trees. And the serenades of the birds. I stopped briefly to admire flowers, and to rest, yet I was surprised that I walked two laps in 70 minutes. Normally it had been taking me 45 minutes to do one lap. I returned home feeling I had achieved something.
Walking has always been my medicine.
And to not have been able to walk really did drag me down, yet now after only a short amount of time I have begun to reignite my spirit once again, and also clear my mind and see my way clearly with new chapters beginning as others seem to be fading away...
You've inspired me to get out and walk. We had such a terribly hot summer, it's been a while and I need to get my body going again.
So happy to share my inspiration.
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