Monday, August 14, 2023

Sunshine, Flowers And Birds...

Sunshine, flowers and birds made for a perfect Sunday. 
Having spent the morning in the garden weeding and generally titivating, I enjoyed the afternoon ambling around my little private oasis. 
Plenty of plants are now in bloom, with many others not far behind. 

My friendly family of rose chested cockatoos were keeping a close eye on me in case titbits were on offer. 
Many of these birds now remain where they are perched when I am in the garden, their trust built up over many years of flying in for a snack. 
Trust of any wild creature is a gift; I am aware of how special this is.

The calendula flowers from last spring have self-seeded throughout part of the garden, there are also a few other flowers that have also spread. Soon their vibrant orangey tones will be adding a pop of colour across the garden. 
The miniature snapdragons planted last spring have not stopped flowering at all. They have been a constant bright cheerful sight for nearly an entire year. 

As I strolled around the perfumes of many plants intermingled to create a heady scent which was extremely alluring... 



William Kendall said...

The birds are good company.

Gemel said...

As well as noisy and bossy.