Monday, July 31, 2023

After The Recent...

After the recent replenishing rains, the bushland really is full of activity, many birds were heard, none seen though as I ambled along full of wonder, inspired by many of the glorious things I discovered along the way. 
There were plenty of different fungi which despite their tiny size, I still manage to find in amongst the brush. More plants are budding up, and those in flower are really bringing the bushland to life with their vibrant colours. 
There was also a lot of water flowing and Hovea Falls was running well. 
With winter nearing its end there still hasn't been ample rainfall, I am hoping that spring is super wet this year.
I discovered a couple more new tracks to follow in the future, and I also discovered a fabulous new granite mound, I felt like I could almost touch the clouds as they drifted lazily overhead. 
I also noticed a lone tadpole in a still part of the brook, hopefully it will manage to keep well-hidden until it is fully grown. 
Many other delights captured my imagination, especially the wonderful faces I see on various tree trunks and rock formations....



William Kendall said...

A fine day to get out and about.

Gemel said...

It was a glorious day.