Tuesday, July 25, 2023

A Leaf-Curling Spider...

A leaf-curling spider caught my eye as I set off on my visit to Falls Park, it's tiny legs can be seen dangling from the safely of its curly leaf home. They are such fascinating spiders, I have yet to see one fully out of its leaf home though. 

As winter is heading towards spring, the lack of water is still a concern, we have had rain, yet hardly enough to fill the rivers and dams. Still, the sound of rushing water is music to my ears and sitting in the sun as the cascading water flowed past me was deeply relaxing.
I also find resting on the large granite rocks profoundly soothing, there is something pacifying about being in the presence of these mega boulders. 

As always, I was on the lookout for fungi and flowers, as well as birds and marsupials. Many birds were heard in the canopies and brush, I did spot a quenda dashing across the earth as I approached. It was far too swift for a quick photo. 

As the serenity of the bushland and the warmth of the sun warmed my body and nourished my soul, I immerged myself completely into this place of wonder and beauty...



Sharon said...

I love seeing what nature holds in your part of the world.

Gemel said...

It is why I post so many of my walks Sharon, so glad you enjoy seeing the photos.

William Kendall said...

The rushing water is a welcome sight.

Gemel said...

Rushing water always draws me in, William.