Monday, February 20, 2023

A Flurry Of...

A flurry of delicate hues of pink and grey fluttered into the garden this morning at first light. The frantic squawking of the fledglings pierced the otherwise silent morning. Used to my morning routine the flock settled in branches and waited for the chickens to be let out, they know, with this happening comes seed. Not one to over feed any of the wild birds that frequent the garden, at this time of year when there are young to being raised a morning feed is something I do as it gives the parents a reliable source of food for their adorable yet extremely raucous chicks.

Other residents of the garden waited out of the way of this noisy family, the bronzewing's choosing to wait on the fence and a new holland honey eater chose the safety of a canopy high enough out of the way of this rowdy flock...



William Kendall said...

Beautiful birds.

Gemel said...

They are very special birds.