Saturday, September 28, 2019

Having Waited.....

 Having waited nearly four years for this hybrid  Loopy Lou grevillea to flower I am becoming a tad impatient for this bloom to fully open, the first of many buds that are adorning her at the moment.
She has been slowly unfolding for weeks now and her beauty is breathtaking.
She was quite a sick looking plant when I brought her home, and not doing well in the first place she was planted she was transplanted around three years ago and just seemed to stay stagnate never really growing.
Then suddenly this winter she seemed to flourish and as the weather began to warm buds began to appear and new growth began shooting up all over her.
Not sure why the sudden change, but I am really happy to see her finally looking so healthy and vibrant.
 Wondering also whether she will attract any new birds and insects into the garden with her nectar, as I have discovered each flower is uniquely different, each seems to appeal to different birds and insects so I am intrigued to see if any new critters come to dine on her beautiful flowers.

As always the simple things in life gift me the greatest pleasure.

The miracle of life can be witnessed within our gardens, and I never miss anything that happens in my little plot. Whether it is watching the first flowers appearing or discovering something that has self-seeded the magic and astonishing beauty of nature gives me the greatest pleasure.....  

1 comment:

William Kendall said...

It is pretty!