Saturday, September 28, 2019

Discovering This.....

 Discovering this frothy liquid sack which is commonly referred to as cuckoo spit, but it has nothing to do with the cuckoo bird at all

The liquid is excreted by the sap sucking nymphs of the froghopper or spittle bugs. 

Not one for using any chemicals in the garden and I normally tolerate most critters who find their way here, but these little ones are in for a blast from the hose tomorrow morning to send them on their way as they are really very destructive........


William Kendall said...

I've never heard of them before.

Gemel said...

I actually thought it was cuckoo spit, until I was told yesterday it was a sap sucker.
Never seen it here in Australia before, but use to see it all the time in the UK.