Monday, September 02, 2019

Being Normal......

Being normal is definitely not something I ever do.
Why follow the crowd when you can have so much fun reinventing yourself your house and garden in a quirky arty jumble of colourfulness.

Don't be a robot and keep life boring and predicable.
Dare to be different.
It does take courage to stand out from the crowd and express yourself but it is well worth it.

Whoever this woman is she is an inspiring woman.
We certainly need more like her.....


luksky said...

I wish I was normal sometimes. I hate standing out from the crowd and being noticed because of my quirkiness. It makes me feel isolated and alone that I'm so odd and think so differently than the crowd that I don't fit in.

Gemel said...

Bless your heart Lusksky, I know what that is like, I decided to just flow with my quirkiness and slowly the isolation and loneliness is going. Being different takes a hell of a lot of courage