Saturday, September 28, 2019


Discovering these mystical treasures in a visit to a charity shop saw me happily scooping them up and bringing them home.
I had been seeking a book for keeping a record of herbal and flower remedies that I want to start experimenting with and what a perfect book I was lead to.
The little cat has a rather playful and happy vibe to it so it too found it's-self a new home.

Life is a magical dance of mysterious moments that leads us ever forward if we are open enough to see with more than our eyes.
Not fully comfortable in this modern world I find myself residing in, it is the old ways that keep me balanced and bring me peace in a society that makes little sense to me.
Ever learning and rediscovering the wisdom and knowledge of those long gone awakens another aspect of my self, like a flower unfolding I continue to grow.
 Each discovery I make provokes me to delve deeper into the mysterious ways hidden over time but for those of us who seek they have a way of making their selves known and weaving their way into our lives......


William Kendall said...

Quite different.

Gemel said...

I think I am happy to see the world differently. Keeps life interesting.